Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Time Flies

The amazing thing is that time flies and as we get older it seems like I am a Scalosian in the original Star Trek episode "Wink of an Eye".  I will do my best to be a better blogger.

 I talked about the Sandhills returning last October.  They are here now but it almost time for them to start heading north.  Jack got some good pictures of them feeding on North Grape Creek road.  We will miss their wonderful call.

You can see they are as tall as the Angus cattle.

The turkeys have been dropping by our house on a regular basis since March 1.  They always start flocking together about this time.

Beautiful Tail Feathers

One group of males decided to stop by the water fountain.

Aren't their tail feathers amazing?

The toms are strutting and showing off and the hens are only interested in eating.  Jack counted about 38 hens and 12 toms of differing ages.

While watching all the wildlife, I have been cutting scraps using the Bonnie Hunter method.    Someone left all these plastic jars so I am working on filling them.  It is true that I can expand in one week's time to all tables in the quilt haus.

And have revived a UFO to give as a baby gift. I hate to think when I started this quilt.  Ok, it was 2004.

I have been sewing off onto some of the 3 inch squares and making "Carmen" blocks.  I just couldn't stand it so I put together color families.  There is one scrappy block of novelties on the right.   Clinger has been happy to help me while keeping an eye out for birds.  

So let's see if I am able to blog tomorrow!   Today it is warm and sunny tomorrow it is supposed to be gray and cold.